Tuesday, March 30, 2010

LDS.org - Ensign Article - Seeking and Receiving Personal Revelation

LDS.org - Ensign Article - Seeking and Receiving Personal Revelation

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy 2010!

Dear Friends and Family,
We Closed out 2009 with a BANG!!! The end of the year for the Garver's is always CRAZY. It usually starts in Nov. with Kayla turning the BIG "5", then Thanksgiving...(And believe you me I have had a lot to be thankful for this year), Then Kenna turned The BIG "3", and of course Konner's FIRST Christmas...And Finally Atom's "13th" Birthday...Top off with a Happy New Year!!! Hope you got all that...HAPPY NEW YEAR, may your 2010 be wonderful and bring your families all the blessings they deserve.
Love, The Garver's

Saturday, August 29, 2009

We're so Proud of Kayla

It's been three weeks since Ms. Kayla started Kindergarten. And a very surprising three weeks at that. My mom, awesome as she is has agreed to watch Kenna & Konner every Thursday so that I can go work in Kayla's classroom. This is a experience that I would suggest to every parent. I absolutely love it. The first week I went I was a little apprehensive as to how KK would behave while I was there, But she was and is amazing. It's kinda like she turns into somebody else a little sweeter, A LOT QUIETER...and a lot less "OUT OF CONTROL." She goes into class sits on her mat criss cross apple sauce. Hands in her lap...Quite as a mouse. When the teacher takes roll she was to shy to say HERE! So the teacher and Kayla have an agreement as long as she smiles really big and raises her hand really high...She can wait till Kayla is ready to use her voice. (Although that might open a can of worms...LOL) It's really neat to see Kayla in class, she seems older just in three weeks. Friday they just had the first award ceremony and Kayla got Student of the Week. Kory and I were pleasantly surprised and very PROUD of our BIG/little Girl!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ms. Kayla's First Day of Kindergarten

Today was Bitter Sweet, Kayla was the most nervous I've ever seen in my life. She could hardly wait to get ready for school this morning. But when her Daddy pulled up from work, she knew this was the day she'd been waiting for all summer long-The First Day of KINDERGARTEN! Mommy a little teary eyed, Daddy a little apprehensive (okay and exited now he can actually sleep when he gets home from work...Big mouths gone JK) And Kenna still not sure what happened is all she knows is NO ONE is teasing her right now and making her scream. Hey this isn't' half bad...Except we all MISS her to pieces! Man, Our Little Girl is growing up!:o( And I can't wait till she comes home to us all about it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Baby Konner Allen Garver

Konner was born at 9:19pm on Wed. the 3rd of June. He weighed in at 7 lbs 3.4 oz and was 20''long. It was my worse child bearing experence thus far. At dialated to only a 7 the Dr. assisted as she streach the cervics over his head and is one push I managed to push him down and out the birth canal. I didn't even know this was possible but I was is sooo much pain, and all the drugs they tried could'nt even touch it. They even called it the epidural Dr. and even though he knew I couldn't have one they thought that he would at lease have something to make me comfortable.....YA NOTHING!!!! Is all I can say is it's amazing to me how Heavenly Father makes you forget all that and we do it over and over again! WOW...But I'm done! I'll leave the rest of the families pro-creating to the brothers and some of there wives that have it a lot easier. (AMY) Hint, Hint! GARVER FAMILIES FINAL SCORE...GIRLS 3 - BOYS 3

Makin Mom Proud!

Well, it is summer time...School just ended and Atom just graduated from elementry. This is huge! The first day of kindergarten I cried the whole way home. And now he starting middle school! I am horrified!!! My baby...is growing up and it is not going to stop. But, he does make his mom and dad proud. NOT only did Atom get on the Principals honor roll w/ straight A's, but he achevied the highest honor award by getting the Presidents Gold Award...That's principals honor roll all year and he has improved his Star testing since last year. Which I didn't think could get any better. So I am soooo stoked!!! And SUPER PROUD OF ATOM!;o)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The New House

We are never moving...ever again!!! And you can quote me on that. The Garver's are moved, not quite settled but moved. This house has enough to keep Kory and I busy for two lifetimes. And with the baby due in 7 days, I just want to hibernate. We are very exited and can't wait to welcome baby #4. The last of our little crew. I'm done, finished, finito....and over it!!!! My body could not do this again if I wanted to. I hurt in places I did'nt even know could hurt. Okay I'm done complaining. We have been very blessed this year. With the move we got to stay in the same ward. Atom has been working hard on his scouting, this summer he will be recieving his First Class which is very awsome since all of my brothers, dad & grandfathers were Eagle Scouts. He takes his scouting very seriously and as his mother " I am very PROUD." Atom is also getting ready to go up to the Junior High...(and YES, I am scared to death.) On the other hand Ms. Kayla is going into Kindergarten....Not so scared, she has heard me tell stories of when Atom went to Kindergarten the first day and I cried the whole way home. The other day when we were going out we drove by the school and she told Kory and I that we didn't have to cry when she went to school. Kory and I laughed, and he told her he thinks that mommy will be okay. I just sighed. I'll be FINE!!!! The teacher on the other hand is in for a rare treat.LOL ...Then there is little Kenna, Every night she comes in to rub my belly before bed, she talks to little brother and kisses him and squishes him. She has adjusted well to sleeping in her and Kayla's room and does well in her big girl bed. All of the kids are exited for the new baby, Atom even told me the other day..." Mom, during the summer I'll wake up in the middle of the night to feed baby brother." I laughed my tail off then asked if I could get that in writting. IT'S A DEAL!!! I guess if he's serious I'll let him give that a try. Well family and friends, We love and miss you! Hope to see you this summer!!!

...and I couldn't ask for anything more!

...and I couldn't ask for anything more!