Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Makin Mom Proud!

Well, it is summer time...School just ended and Atom just graduated from elementry. This is huge! The first day of kindergarten I cried the whole way home. And now he starting middle school! I am horrified!!! My growing up and it is not going to stop. But, he does make his mom and dad proud. NOT only did Atom get on the Principals honor roll w/ straight A's, but he achevied the highest honor award by getting the Presidents Gold Award...That's principals honor roll all year and he has improved his Star testing since last year. Which I didn't think could get any better. So I am soooo stoked!!! And SUPER PROUD OF ATOM!;o)


Laura,Kyler,Kooper, and Khloe said...

I'm going to cry!!! tell him to stop getting so big! I love you Atom....

...and I couldn't ask for anything more!

...and I couldn't ask for anything more!