Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Baby Konner Allen Garver

Konner was born at 9:19pm on Wed. the 3rd of June. He weighed in at 7 lbs 3.4 oz and was 20''long. It was my worse child bearing experence thus far. At dialated to only a 7 the Dr. assisted as she streach the cervics over his head and is one push I managed to push him down and out the birth canal. I didn't even know this was possible but I was is sooo much pain, and all the drugs they tried could'nt even touch it. They even called it the epidural Dr. and even though he knew I couldn't have one they thought that he would at lease have something to make me comfortable.....YA NOTHING!!!! Is all I can say is it's amazing to me how Heavenly Father makes you forget all that and we do it over and over again! WOW...But I'm done! I'll leave the rest of the families pro-creating to the brothers and some of there wives that have it a lot easier. (AMY) Hint, Hint! GARVER FAMILIES FINAL SCORE...GIRLS 3 - BOYS 3


...and I couldn't ask for anything more!

...and I couldn't ask for anything more!