Monday, August 10, 2009

Ms. Kayla's First Day of Kindergarten

Today was Bitter Sweet, Kayla was the most nervous I've ever seen in my life. She could hardly wait to get ready for school this morning. But when her Daddy pulled up from work, she knew this was the day she'd been waiting for all summer long-The First Day of KINDERGARTEN! Mommy a little teary eyed, Daddy a little apprehensive (okay and exited now he can actually sleep when he gets home from work...Big mouths gone JK) And Kenna still not sure what happened is all she knows is NO ONE is teasing her right now and making her scream. Hey this isn't' half bad...Except we all MISS her to pieces! Man, Our Little Girl is growing up!:o( And I can't wait till she comes home to us all about it.


Amanda Weir said...

Cute pictures! She is a big girl now.

Heather Heaton said...

Hey Tami! Your family is so gorgeous!! Hope you don't mind if i blog stalk you every once in awhile!

...and I couldn't ask for anything more!

...and I couldn't ask for anything more!