Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Then & Now

It's been about a year since we moved to Upland and for the most part it has been a blessing. It's hard when you move, move and move some more. And it would be great just to have a place of our own and NEVER move again...But only time will tell. Atom really enjoys the school he's at so we're thinking of just signing another lease where we are at, and parking it for at least another year. Kayla has started gymnastics and absolutely loves it! I was a little concerned in the beginning but she does well...she follows direction and has learned a l0t. Kenna has mastered walking and has moved on to running. She loves to play with her toys and does well to entertain herself. Kory's working hard 12-15 hour shifts some days. But still finds time for an occasional Chess game here & there. And me well lets just say I'll be lucky to find time to finish everything I need to do in a day! My summer daycare program is doing great and all the kids are enjoying it...EVEN Atom...Oh wait that's because he's getting paid!


Lacy said...

I can't believe all of these Woolley's on the blog bandwagon now! It is great! I love the header picture, sooo cute! Where was that taken at?

...and I couldn't ask for anything more!

...and I couldn't ask for anything more!